My Offerings

Yoga for Every Body

Emily has been a student of Iyengar Yoga for over 20 years. This alignment based, Hatha practice is suitable for students of every level and ability, as it has a strong focus on body awareness, use of props and breath. She prides herself on the ability to adapt the practice of Yoga specifically for each student she encounters, building each pose on a “bus stop” principle. Even if we are all working on the same Asana, we might choose to stop and explore at different phases of the pose. Emily invites you to make each class your own. Expect her approach to be playful and authentic, come prepared to laugh!

Honoring the ancient practice of Yoga, which has deep roots in Southeast Asian culture, Emily will invite you to delve in to all eight limbs of Yoga. It is much richer than simply the physical practice! We explore Pranayama (breathing practices), the Yama and Niyama (ethical practices and personal observances), Pratyahara (sensory withdraw), Daharana and Dhyana (concentration and meditation) and hopefully (if even for a brief moment) Samadhi (bliss). Come with a curious and open mind.

This is what Mindful Curves Yoga all about!

Private Sessions

These sessions are designed for your specific needs. They can be for new students wanting to orient themselves to the practice or to deepen your understanding of a particular pose, sequence, breathwork, or meditation practice. I love helping you build a practice focused on your specific challenges or injury recovery. We will spend a little time discussing your goals and then put together a plan to help you reach them. Currently all sessions are on hold as I will be looking for a space in Boulder to hold these sessions in person.


Group Classes

Online Yoga via Zoom

Yin Yoga

Saturdays 8:30am Mountain Time

Ready to move your body?